Our Story
The Beginning
Before ALTRU, we were just three close friends who worked together as pharmaceutical scientists and worked out together at the local gym. (Contrary to popular belief, some scientists do go to the gym.)
We were always drinking the latest flavored-water beverages to keep hydrated during our workouts but we were never very excited about them. Tired of the typical fruit flavors, we wanted something different. Through our experiences growing up in diverse communities and traveling the world, we got to know exotic fruits that we couldn’t find in mainstream supermarkets in the United States.
Channeling our inner mad scientists, we spent countless late-night hours at home blending exotic fruit flavors with common fruit flavors until we developed what would become ALTRU’s first four lines of enhanced water beverages: Peach Mangosteen, Mango Cherimoya, Coconut Jackfruit and Tangerine Prickly Pear.
The Key Ingredient
As scientists who know the importance of staying healthy, we wanted to pack our drinks with antioxidants and electrolytes. We were shocked that no water beverages on the market contained one of the most important antioxidants, glutathione, which is commonly known as the Master Antioxidant.
So we formulated our own proprietary blend of antioxidants, electrolytes and natural caffeine from green tea, guarana and other sources. Each ALTRU beverage contains our patent-pending blend which includes glutathione, the Master Antioxidant, as its key ingredient.
The Pet Rescue Mission
As rescue pet owners who are also dedicated to helping homeless pets in our local communities, we knew from the very beginning that our brand would contribute to bettering the lives of cats and dogs. It is who we are and what we are passionate about, and it is the essence of the ALTRU brand. That’s why ALTRU contributes 10% of its net profits to pet rescues to help secure loving homes for cats and dogs in need.
And that’s how the name ALTRU came to be.
ALTRUISM \ˈal – troo – i – zem\ – selfless concern for the well-being of others.
Are You In?
Join us on our mission to hydrate the world with delicious beverages infused with exotic flavors and a unique blend of antioxidants and electrolytes while helping cats and dogs in need.
Please tag us with photos of your furry family members and a bottle of ALTRU @drinkaltru. We’d love to meet them and feature them on our Facebook and Instagram pages.